


By submitting your application to be a Mystery Shopper, you indicate that you have read, understood and agree to follow the principles of honesty, professionalism, fairness, and confidentiality that are outlined in the following:

1. You commit to helping Zunzi's + Zunzibar understand and improve their "SHIT YEAH!" customer experience.

2. You confirm that your participation in any assignment is based on voluntary informed consent.

3. You will perform all assignment to the best of your ability, with honesty and integrity.

4. You will honor all confidentiality agreements.

5. You will submit all reports on or before the deadline, and release the job immediately if you cannot perform the assignment for any reason.

6. You will read all the information received thoroughly before carrying out any assignment.

7. You will not disrupt the normal business flow of an operation in the process of performing the job.

8. You will not announce yourself as a mystery shopper to the business/branch being evaluated unless given specific instructions by the assignor of the assignment.